The FA Authorized Official is defined as:


A fiscal agency appointed official who is authorized to manage all building-level CTEIS Users within the fiscal agency. Each fiscal agency is allowed to appoint up to two FA Authorized Officials. FA Authorized Officials are granted Level 5 access to CTEIS and are responsible for delegating access to the buildings under their control. They are also responsible for the review and approval of all CTEIS reports submitted by building-level staff. Once report data is validated, the FA Authorized Official submits it to the CEPD Administrator for review.


 Click to download the Level 5 Application Form


All FA Authorized Officials are approved by the Office of Career and Technical Education (OCTE). Once approved, they have the authority to grant Level 1-4 CTEIS access to personnel in their districts, restricting data access to authorized users only. The system is designed to clearly define the type of access granted to each CTEIS User and the specific data accessible to each individual. This approach is intended to reduce the granting of unnecessary privileges that can compromise data security.


Key Points of the CTEIS system

  • Building level tasks such as viewing or editing student data are assigned by FA Authorized Officials.

  • Building access is granted building by building – CTEIS Users can only access the specific buildings assigned to them.

  • Buildings can be assigned across a Fiscal Agency and CEPDs. However, each FA Authorized Official (responsible for the building) will need to assign these buildings.


FA Authorized Official’s Tasks


Include but are not limited to:

  • User Management

  • Tech Prep Reporting

  • Report Submission