State Total Reimbursement by CIP Code and Pathway (Alternate name of the report: Added Cost Summary Report )

Description: This report represents a listing of the number of programs, enrollments and Added Cost (61a1) funding generated by CIP Code and Pathway.


Location of Report, from the Menu, select Reports and then select Funding Reports.  To select a previous year report, please use the right side panel to select year. 




Explanation of Program Descriptors, Rows, and Columns

Header Description
Fed Codes Federal Cluster Codes
CIP Code Classification of Instructional Program code – a 6-digit code assigned to each CTE program. 
Program Name The state-assigned program name of each CIP Code.
Program Count The number of state-approved programs that reported enrollment in a given year.


Participants – the number of students who completed less than 7 segments of a program.  


Concentrators – the number of students who successfully completed 7 or more segments of a program (with a grade of
  2.0 or better), but did not meet the requirements of a completer. 


Completers – the number of students who successfully completed 12 segments of a program (with a grade of 2.0 or better), and
took the technical skills assessment test, if applicable

Added Cost Reimbursement Total Section 61a1 dollars generated by each CIP Code.