CTEIS Spring Enrollment Task

This module contains reference documents and tutorials on how to enter the end-of-the-year course and student data into CTEIS. Please use these reference documents for detailed information on data collection and verification.


1. Verify and Input Data

To submit end-of-the-year course data, you will need to verify and enter course section and subsection data into CTEIS. Please use the reference document below on how to input course information into CTEIS: 



To submit end-of-the-year student data, you will need to verify that student records, program, and current enrollment data are entered into CTEIS. Please use the reference documents on how to input student data into CTEIS:



To view Training Videos on above topics: 


For end-of-the-year reporting, you will need to indicate if courses are awarding Credentials, or if your courses will have Work Based Learning experiences.  Please use the reference documents below on how to input Credentials and Work Based Learning into CTEIS:



To view Training Videos on above topics:

2. Review Reports

For instructions on how to view reports for course data verification, please use the link below:


3. Submit your Data



When you have completed your data entry and verified enteries, you will need to submit your report for Fiscal Agent review. Once you submit your report you have completed the spring collection process. For instructions on how to submit your report please use the link below: